Saturday, August 22, 2015

Rambling Pines Camp from Above using the Tricopter

Here is a video I made of the camp I work at:

For the last week of camp I decided to take aerial shots of the camp to provide a new perspective never seen before. It was all shot on a GoPro I mounted on the Tricopter. There is no gimbal, but post stabilization editing was done to improve the video. The kids loved seeing it fly and seemed to be very inspired by it! I also got featured in a blog post by one of the head staff at the camp which you can see here:

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Tricopter Complete!

Here are some pictures to see before the full video is released...

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Tricopter Beginning Stages

Tricopter Frame:  This is the beginning stage of the tricopter I am building. A
tricopter has 2 motors in the front and one in the back that moves with a servo
to control yaw. Its purpose will be to carry a GoPro and record things from the
air at a very low cost. 

This is the center/base part of the tricopter. It will hold the KK2
Board which will stabilize the craft. It will also hold the battery
and receiver. Underneath it will be an isolated mount to hold a
GoPro. This isolated mount will have vibration dampening to
minimize vibration from the motors that can create a jello look
in the recorded footage from the GoPro. 

Sanded and holes drilled out. It is made from polycarbonate.

This is an up-close picture showing the bolts and wood
mounted to the base frame. Looks pretty good, eh? 
An advantage with the tricopter vs. a quadcopter/hexacopter/
octacopter is that it can easily be folded up and transported, as
shown in this picture.
Here is the full parts description. I kept the parts very cheap
because I am naturally very frugal. See you shortly with all
electronics attached and a ready to fly tricopter!